3 Best Lead Funnels for Beginners

What is a lead funnel?

A lead funnel is a type of sales funnel that is only focused on getting new leads into a business.

Some lead funnels only allow visitors to opt-in for a lead magnet…

While others have options for visitors to purchase products after they have opted-in.

Lead funnels that offer products for sale after a visitor opts-in then become a type of front-end sales funnel…

Because they’re actually selling something.

Both types of lead funnels can be extremely effective for generating new leads.

And some types of lead funnels can even pay for the cost of running ads to them when they’re fully optimized.

Best Lead funnels for beginners

There are a few different lead funnels that beginners can get started with quickly to get new leads flowing in.

Here’s 3 of the best lead funnels for beginners:

Squeeze page funnel

This is the most basic and barebones lead funnel.

It’s made up of a squeeze page and a thank you page.

That’s it!

There’s not much of a simpler way to get leads.

This next funnel builds on this framework…

Self-Liquidating Offer Funnel (SLO Funnel)

The self-liquidating offer funnel is possibly the greatest lead funnel there is.

It improves on the Squeeze Page funnel by adding in products to offer to leads once they’ve opted in.

This is where its name comes from.

When fully optimized, a self-liquidating offer funnel should liquidate(pay for) the cost of running ads to it.

That means you can get FREE LEADS!

If you’re able to fully optimize an SLO funnel, you can quickly scale your business to new heights.

SLO funnels can have different levels of complexity…

At the most basic level, you need:
-Squeeze page
-Sales page
-Upsell page
-Thank you page

Only 4 pages, a lead magnet and 2 products.

On the other end of the spectrum, an SLO funnel can be as complex as:
-Squeeze page
-Sales Page with an order form bump
-Upsell page
-Downsell page to the first upsell
-Second Upsell page
-Downsell to the second upsell
-Thank you page with an offer wall.

That’s up to 7 pages, a lead magnet and 6+ products (depending on your offer wall)

When you are first getting your Self-Liquidating Offer Funnel put together, you’ll want to start on the less complex side.

Then once you have that optimized, you can start adding in pages, moving towards the more complex side.

But you might find out that your offers are so good that you can break even on your ad spend without reaching the most complex side.

Survey Funnel

A survey funnel, also called a quiz funnel, is similar to a squeeze page funnel except that instead of an actual lead magnet…

You are surveying or quizzing the visitors.

This is used to figure out which product or service you offer is the right fit for the visitor.

It can also be used to direct visitors to a different sales page for each different market segment for the same product.

After the survey, visitors are sent to a squeeze page based on the answers to the survey.

Once they opt-in, they are taken to a sales page that is specifically optimized for that particular market segment.

Having different squeeze pages and sales pages based on the different market segments for your product allows you to change your messaging for each…

Which will ultimately help you to increase your conversion rates on each sales page!

How do you set up a lead funnel?

This will vary a little bit depending on what funnel you’re building and what software you choose.

You have a few general options of software to choose from.

The first option is to custom code it into your website.

If you know how to code, then you can use this option, but it will be time consuming.

And if you don’t know how to code this will be expensive and time consuming.

If you’re only going to build a squeeze page funnel, many email automation softwares have landing page builders built in that you can use.

That way you aren’t having to learn a new software just to get your squeeze page built

And you won’t have to integrate multiple softwares together.

If you’re building anything more complex than a Squeeze Page Funnel, then I would suggest using a dedicated sales funnel software.

This is going to make the entire process smoother for you in the long run.

And it will allow you to make changes quickly as you split test your pages in your funnel.

Every software is going to be a little bit different, but here is a tutorial on how to build a sales funnel from scratch:

What are examples of lead funnels?

Usually it’s easier to understand a funnel when you can see an example of it.

So here are some examples of the different types of lead funnels we covered.

Squeeze Page Funnel Example

This is pretty basic, but it’s my go to style for most of my squeeze pages.

Here’s the squeeze page:

squeeze page example

And here’s the thank you page:

Self-Liquidating Offer Funnel Example

Here’s an outline of this SLO Funnel:

SLO Funnel example outline

It’s not overly complicated because it is actually a template I share with people so they can get their funnel built faster.

This is the Squeeze Page:

Sales page:

Order form page (you can technically just do this at the bottom of the sales page):

Upsell page:

Thank you page:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a lead funnel the same as a front end sales funnel?

The technical answer is sometimes.

For it to truly be a front end sales funnel, the lead funnel has to offer something for sale after someone opts in.

So some types of lead funnels are front end sales funnels and other types of lead funnels are not.

Is a lead funnel the same as a lead nurturing funnel?

No, a lead funnel is not the same as a lead nurturing funnel.

A lead funnel is a funnel that brings new leads into the business.

On the other hand, a lead nurturing funnel is a marketing funnel that moves leads towards a purchase over time.

In most cases a lead nurturing funnel is an email automation that is sending an email nurture sequence to build trust and rapport with leads.

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