How To Create A Landing Page For Clickbank

Why do you need a landing page for affiliate marketing?

There’s two main reasons landing pages are becoming more and more necessary for affiliate marketers.

The first reason is that many ad platforms and even some affiliate networks are getting more and more strict about how people can post affiliate links.

For the most part, you can’t just link straight from an ad to an affiliate link anymore.

Because crappy marketers started spamming people constantly with affiliate links the ad networks pulled the plug on that.

If you try to publish an ad that goes directly to an affiliate link it won’t get published and occasionally your entire ad account will get shut down immediately.

Not being able to run ads would really hinder affiliate marketers in the long run, and push making a full time income for affiliate marketing almost out of the picture.

So being able to get around this is vital.

On top of that, landing pages allow you to collect email addresses from visitors.

Building an email list this way allows you to use email marketing to not only sell the original affiliate product you have, but also sell more affiliate products to the same customers in the future!

This is another one of the secrets to using affiliate marketing to earn a full time income.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a dedicated webpage that traffic gets directed to, it’s the first page the traffic “lands on” on your website.

The key that sets a landing page apart from a standard webpage is its level of focus.

Landing pages are solely focused on getting the visitor to take one single action.

There’s no navigation bar to take people to different pages.

There’s not multiple different products or offers.

There’s just one call to action.

Visitors can convert or leave…

…that’s it!

In the context of an affiliate marketing landing page, that one action can vary based on the style of landing page you want to use.

It might just be to click a button and get redirected over to the affiliate link.

Or it can be to opt-in with an email address for something, like a lead magnet or bonuses for buying through the affiliate link

Either way, there’s only one action for the visitors to take.

The two styles of affiliate landing pages

Landing pages for affiliate marketing, including clickbank, fall into two main styles.

There’s click through landing pages that simply have a curiosity based headline and a button.

The whole goal of these landing pages is to loosely tease the benefit of the affiliate product to get people to click over to the affiliate page.

The benefit of this style of landing page is that most of the visitors are going to click over to the affiliate link.

The drawbacks are that because it’s fairly easy to get people over to the affiliate link, the number of people who actually buy the affiliate product are fairly low and, because there’s no inherent value on the landing page itself, most ad networks are starting to ban people from running ads to landing pages like these.

The other type of landing page for affiliate marketing is a landing page that collects visitor’s email addresses (known as a squeeze page).

The benefits of using a squeeze page is that you are building an email list that you can market to, you’re adding extra value, and the people that make it to the affiliate link are more qualified, therefore they’re more likely to buy the affiliate product.

The main drawback is it involves a little more work to set up a squeeze page and because people are actually finding out what kind of value the affiliate product provides, less people tend to click over to the affiliate link.

There’s two main ways to use a squeeze page for affiliate marketing.

  1. You can offer your own lead magnet to people in exchange for their email address. This could be a free training or free report or something like that. Then once they opt-in, on the thank you page you tell them about your affiliate product and offer them to click over to it. This gives you a little more flexibility as far as what affiliate product you’re promoting on the thank you page and let’s you use the same landing page multiple times for different products.
  2. The other way to make a lead magnet for affiliate marketing is to offer bonuses to people who buy the affiliate product through your affiliate link. Then you essentially just say “hey wait, before you go get the product tell me where to send your bonuses!”. This essentially let’s you bribe people to buy the affiliate product through your link rather than your competitors. Some affiliate marketers even make bonuses so good that people will go back and buy the affiliate product a second time just to get their bonuses!

On top of all of the other benefits, this second style of affiliate marketing landing page allows you to run ads to it once you start making money with affiliate marketing so you can speed up the growth of your affiliate marketing business and take it full time faster!

Both of these types of affiliate marketing pages have their place and have been used with great success by many different marketers.

So really your choice comes down to personal preference and the goals you have for your affiliate marketing business.

Key elements of a landing page


Your headline is the first thing visitors see when they land on your page, which makes it the most important.

On average, you have about 3-5 seconds to sell people on reading your page.

That’s the entire job of your headline, it shows people the benefits they’ll get and why it’s important for them to read this page.

Without a good headline your landing page isn’t going to convert well.

Some marketers have even reported getting 5 times as many conversions just by changing the headline on their page!

Unfortunately, the only way to really nail your headline is to test it.

Ideally, you should always be testing a new headline against your old one to see which one converts better.

Once you get some experience, you’ll have a rough idea of which headline will work better, but even the best marketers in the world still have to test.

-Call to action button

This is where you get people to take action!

Your call to action needs to actually get people to…well, take action!

On top of that, you need to make your call to action easily visible.

It needs to stand out from everything else on the page.

-Graphic (image or video)

A page with nothing but text is boring!

If a visitor gets to your page and just sees nothing but tons of boring text, the odds of them staying are extremely low!

You need some kind of graphic.

It can be an image of your lead magnet or a video of you explaining the bonuses people will get when they buy the affiliate product through your link.

Whatever it is it needs to be “above the fold”, which means it needs to be at the top so that it is visible immediately when the page loads

There you have it!

Those are the basics of making a landing page for click bank (or any other affiliate marketing site for that matter!)

If you’re interested in learning more about creating high converting landing pages that grab visitors attention and get them to take action, grab your FREE copy of my report, 5 Keys To More Leads below!

Free 5 Keys To More Leads Guide

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