How To Boost Your Downline With Sales Funnels | Network Marketing Online

As the digital marketing space continues to grow, more and more network marketers are starting to wonder…

Can they use a sales funnels to grow their MLM business?

This is especially true once you run out of friends and family members to try to recruit.

In this article you’ll learn why you would want to use a sales funnel for network marketing…

How you can use a sales funnel in network marketing…

And how to build a sales funnel for your MLM.

Is MLM a scam?

Before we get into the heart of this article, I want to address the elephant in the room…

When 99% of people hear the phrase MLM or Network Marketing, their minds IMMEDIATELY jump to the same question:

“Is MLM a scam?”

And here’s the thing, I don’t blame them!

MLM has gotten a terrible reputation over the years by people who don’t fully understand what it is!

It’s usually because they had one or two bad experiences with people trying to pitch them wrong.

Here’s the good news, MLM is not a scam.

People often confuse Network Marketing with a Ponzi scheme (AKA a pyramid scheme).

The obvious reason being the pyramid shape of a downline.

Here’s how a Ponzi scheme works:

A Ponzi scheme doesn’t have an actual product that they sell.

What happens is people at the top get paid based on people underneath them paying to join the group.

The difference in MLM is that you are actually selling a product that people can use. 

So the money paid to people ONLY comes from people buying an actual product.

Why most network marketers fail…

When you join an MLM or Network Marketing opportunity, you become a sales person…

Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

In fact, being a sales person is what allows you to have such a high earning opportunity, but there is a downside…

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of people have lost their ability to sell effectively.

So there can be a bit of a learning curve to gain the skill of sales.

To make matters worse, many uplines will often say “Just get this product in front of people, the product will sell itself!”…

Which is a pile of garbage.

Every product needs some level of selling!

They only say that because THEY never learned how to sell.

On top of that, almost everyone who hasn’t been in a sales position doesn’t understand what sales truly is…

So even when they know they need to get better at sales, they are going about it the wrong way…

Sales isn’t about trying to get people to buy something they don’t need.

Sales is about seeing if the product is a good fit for the prospect and if it is, showing them how it can benefit them and improve their life.

As if ALLLLL of that isn’t a big enough hole for most people to dig out of…

The average MLMer doesn’t have a good enough support system around them…

To help them push through the rejection long enough for them to get good at selling!

With all that going against you and soooo much misinformation swirling around out there…

It’s no wonder that so few people who join an MLM end up becoming a top producer!

How can I convince someone to join my downline?

Here’s the thing…

You don’t actually convince someone to join your downline.

In fact, if you do, the odds are they aren’t actually going to be a producer.

If you have to BEG someone to join your downline, you’re going to have to BEG them to do anything.

The key, like with any other business, is to find people who are ALREADY a good fit for your product or downline.

To take this a step further, you can actually attract those people to you.

Think about it like this:

If you were looking for someone who liked working out…

Do you have better odds finding someone at a store that sells workout supplements or a pizza store?

You MIGHT find someone who works out at the pizza joint…

But the odds are probably 1 in 1,000.

The odds are WAAAAYYY higher to find someone who works out at a supplement store!

The same thing goes with your MLM business, but instead of a physical store you can now do it online…

How can I grow my MLM online?

Here’s the key to growing your Network Marketing business online:

You need a way to get the attention of your dream prospects and turning them into leads.

Where most people get concerned is that, in most cases…

Their MLM won’t let them promote their products directly online!

So how do you get around this?

You don’t.

Instead what you do is promote something of your own, then later, you can tell them about your opportunity!

In the digital marketing world, most businesses use what’s called a lead magnet

This is a free pdf or video that provides value in exchange for an email address or a phone number.

What’s important about a lead magnet is that it is only attractive to dream customers.

Here’s an example:

For an email marketing course, I have a lead magnet called “21 Email Marketing Hacks to grow your sales”.

That lead magnet is only going to be attractive to someone who has a business AND is looking to grow their sales with email…

Which is the perfect person to offer my email marketing course.

Make sense?

What’s cool is that you can do this to both recruit people to your downline or to sell people your product.

Okay you have a lead magnet to attract your dream prospect or your dream customer into your world…

Now you need a way to collect their contact information and get the lead magnet to them.

Technically, you can manually send it to them.

The only problem with this is it becomes difficult to scale.

To grow your downline as large as you want to, you need systems in place to not only collect leads…

But also to sell those leads on either joining your downline or buying your product through email.

That’s where sales funnels come in.

How do you create a sales funnel for network marketing?

This is where we tie everything together!

Now that you have your lead magnet to call out and attract your dream customer, you need a way to get their information, deliver the lead magnet, and eventually offer your opportunity or product to them all on autopilot.

That’s exactly what your sales funnel is going to do!

In this case we’re going to build what is known as a Lead Funnel, it has 2 pages, the landing page and the thank you page.

The landing page is where you’re going to send all of your traffic, no matter where you get it from.

You can even send people you meet in person to this page to make it easier to get their contact info!

This page is the BIGGEST KEY to being able to get Network Marketing leads online because you aren’t promoting ANYTHING related to your company until after you’ve had some interactions with your leads. In most cases you’re just sending them an email or text that briefly mentions your product.

Your landing page can be fairly basic, with just a curiosity inducing headline, a picture of your lead magnet, a form to enter contact info and a button.

Here’s an example:

Network Marketing landing Page Example:

Network Marketing Landing page example

After someone submits their info, they automatically get taken to the thank you page.

On this page there’s a few different things you can do.

The first option is to say thank you and deliver your lead magnet.

This option can work really well if your lead magnet is a simple video training that someone can watch on the page.

The next option is to simply thank them for opting in and tell them that you are emailing them the lead magnet.

The last option is to thank them for opting in, let them know the lead magnet will be in their email…

AND THEN offer them a related product that they can buy right away! 

This option can work extremely well if you’re running ads because often you can cover the costs of your ads upfront…

So you can afford to run more and more ads to grow faster!

With all these options, you can add one more feature…

You can add what’s known as an offer wall.

An offer wall is a set of images on the thank you page that link over to other products

In a MLM funnel you can add links over to some of your products so the people who are ready to buy, can buy right away!

No matter what option you go with, the most important thing is to nail your lead magnet and landing page!

They are one of the most critical parts of a Network Marketing Funnel

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