Traffic Secrets Review

Getting traffic to your business is one of the most important things you can do.

Without traffic, your business slowly shrivels up and dies.

That’s why Traffic Secrets is such an important book!

Traffic Secrets reveals 20 secrets business owners can use to flood their funnels and websites with hungry buyers .

In this article I’ll break down everything you need to know about Traffic Secrets.

Who is Russell Brunson?

Russell Brunson is an interesting character.

The best way to describe him is a serial entrepreneur and marketing expert.

He has been starting and building businesses since the early 2000’s…

And has also worked with 100’s if not thousands of businesses to help them quickly grow their bottom line.

Russell Brunson is best known for popularizing the term sales funnel and for his company ClickFunnels…

Which is one of the fastest growing SAAS companies of all time.

On top of owning and growing more businesses than I can count…

Russell has also helped hundreds of businesses reach the 2 Comma Club with his educational products…

Including his Best selling book, DotCom Secrets, which sold over 300,000 copies!

At the time of this writing, Russell also holds the title of the world’s highest paid sales funnel expert.

It safe to say Russell knows a thing or two about getting traffic and growing a business online

What is Traffic Secrets?

Traffic Secrets is a book about how to get traffic to your online business.

All based on Russell’s decades of experiences, both his success and failures.

Everything in the book is tried and true.

Traffic Secrets is the third book in Russell’s trilogy of books.

The first being DotCom Secrets (a book about selling anything online)…

And Expert Secrets (a book focused on getting paid for your expertise and increasing your reach, impact and influence).

Traffic Secrets is about lasting marketing principles that have always existed…

Instead of individual tactics that work one day and are gone the next.

In Traffic Secrets Russell explains the many times he or people he knew would focus on one tactic to grow a business…

Only to have something change and that traffic source completely disappear.

His goal with this book is to give everyone different ways to get people into their business…

So that nothing like that happens to them.

Who is Traffic Secrets for?

Traffic Secrets is perfect for a couple of different groups of business owners.

If you’re an entrepreneur who isn’t getting as much traffic as you want to your sales funnels, this book is perfect for you!

Not only does it have some different tactics you can use to grow on popular platforms, both free and paid, but also…

It focuses on the underlying marketing principles that apply to every marketing platform.

So you can choose what platform you want to focus on and immediately start implementing

If you already are having success marketing on one platform and are looking to add another platform…

Traffic Secrets will connect the dots for you.

So you can see what parts of what’s already working for you…

What parts will work on other platforms and where you may need to make changes.

There’s only one group that I don’t think Traffic Secrets is the best fit for:

If you don’t have any idea what business you want to start or even what type of business you’re interested in, then Traffic Secrets is not where I would start.

Yes, knowing how to get traffic to whatever business you decide to build is important…

But you will get a lot more value out of this book if you already have an idea of what business you’re starting.

If you fall in this category, I would suggest starting by reading Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson or The 4-hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss.

Traffic Secrets Review

The biggest thing that sets traffic secrets apart is that it isn’t completely focused on tactics.

Most books on getting traffic focus on specific tactics on what to actually do on a certain platform.

This can be great for a little while…

But platforms are changing their rules so quickly now that most tactics don’t work within a few months.

Traffic secrets focuses on the underlying market principles that work on EVERY platform because they’re based on how people act.

So no matter what platform changes come in the future, you can adapt what’s in the book to fit the new platform.

Now, that doesn’t mean the book doesn’t cover platforms and tactics at all.

Traffic secrets does get into 4 of the most popular platforms at the time of writing:

Instagram, Facebook, Google, and YouTube.

For all 4 platforms, it goes in depth about how they were created and how they function, so you know how they naturally work.

It also covers organic and paid traffic tactics for each platform so you can use whichever works best for your business at the moment. 

Personally, I absolutely loved the book!

No matter where you are in your business journey, this is a must read book!

How much is Traffic Secrets?

This depends where you get it.

If you want to buy it from a book store or from Amazon, it sells for $20 – $25.

But that’s not where I would suggest getting it.

Russell Brunson is actually giving away copies for FREE right now, if you cover the Shipping and Handling.

For shipping to the US it is $9.95, and anywhere else in the world it is $19.95.

On top of that…

If you get the free copy, Russell is going to send you $485 in bonuses!

And if that wasn’t good enough, he’s giving you a money back guarantee!

So if for whatever reason you aren’t happy with the book, he’ll return your shipping fee and you can keep the book.

It’s an insane, no-brainer offer that he’s making…

But why is he making it?

Is there a catch?

Luckily there’s no catch!

Here’s two of the reasons Russell is making this amazing Traffic Secrets offer:

  1. He’s not a “guru” who makes money selling books and courses, he actually runs multiple businesses so it doesn’t hurt him to share his best stuff, even if it’s for free
  2.  He wants to get this product in your hands so you can see how awesome it is, so that you make so much money that in the future you’ll consider using one of his products.

So if you want more traffic coming into your business, you can grab your free copy at the link below:

Is Traffic Secrets Worth it?

Absolutely, 100% YES!

Especially if you take advantage of Russell’s free offer (if you cover shipping).

The tips and advice in this book can completely change how you grow your business.

It could be the missing piece you need to explode your business growth.

For me, the biggest thing that makes Traffic Secrets worth it is that it’s focused on the underlying marketing principles that work with any business and any traffic source!

That’s what makes it stand out from other marketing books.

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